Twitter slider & User card for WordPress

Display your tweets in a fancy way with this Twitter slider, you can show the tweets of an user,search or hashtag.



Fancy sliders

Show tweets of an user, search or hashtag in a fancy sliders

Fully personalized

The slider can be horizontal or vertical, with a lot of options to personalize it

Control everything

Setup the speed of the transitions, display or not avatars which controls do you want for the slider etc.

Twitter account & card

Shows the information of your twitter account, checkout the twitter card!

Live Preview

[mgl_twitter username=”mageeklab” cache=”3599″ userinfo=”false”]


"When I seen this plugin in action on my site for the first time I was amazed to say the least. Now I don’t have to add content as Instagram is doing it for me."

− John Bousman

"My issue has been resolved by email. Great, FAST support! I fully endorse this plugin. Full stars."

− zr2wdttwkd4gh15e0

"Great plugin – very easy to install and integrate with Instagram!"

− Gotequity

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Twitter slider & User card for WordPress


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